
Friday, August 16, 2013

My feelings today....

What should I do? This is a question I make myself millions of time a day for the last month. Stay here or go back to the USA or find another place to be.  Africa has changed my heart forever. It is very hard to accept the disparities in our world. Why some are born in Europa, USA and have education, jobs, a house, time for leisure. What happen that some are born in Africa and suffer? Women here die like flies during childbirth because they cannot afford prenatal care, good hospitals, cannot buy medication, do not have enough physicians to take care of them.  Where is God? Why He who is the Mighty, the Savior, the Holy can let these sufferings happen?  Why it is so easy to be in a church in the USA and sing and praise God and think He is awesome and it is so hard for me living in Africa and seeing all the suffering find God?  Why he let people suffer so much and live miserable lives?  My heart cries weekly when I sit at the Maternal and Mortality conference every Thursday and hear about all the women who lost their lives giving birth. Sometimes because there is not enough blood to cure their bleeding and anemia, sometimes because the medical staff is so tired and overworked that they do not attend properly to all patients. Sometimes because there is no medication, no shower to clean the patient’s tired and dirty bodies prior to a cesarean section and they died slowly over the weeks because of their infected wounds.

Here there is no epidural for pain, no narcotics no nothing!!!! No medication for vomiting. You must deal with the pain. You can suffer days and then deliver a dead baby because your family sold you to the old man when you are only 13  ( they desperately need the money to feed your younger siblings) and your body cannot afford a pregnancy and much less a  vaginal delivery. You then suffer and your body expels a dead baby. You cannot hold your urine anymore and will be cast off your family, your village. You will suffer alone and you will die from the complications of a VVF. 

Most women in the USA have no idea about the lives of the African women. I now do and I want to escape, to leave, to not see more of Lydia Esmeraldas and Pascoas died of very easily treatable problems elsewhere but not here.  But I cannot leave, I cannot abandon these women. I need to be here to treat them, to teach the students how to care for them, how to show love, to help patients deal with their miserable lives.  It is very hard to wait days to have a simple CBC back, to not even have acetaminophen for your pain and much less antibiotic for your infection. A mother died of HIV, malaria and she leaves behind 4 orphans, who will not have anybody to love them, to tell them that they are loved, to teach them their homework. Where is God????

The hospital is dirty, the roaches reach everywhere. There are no sheets. Bob and I have donated 80 sheets but most of them disappear.  Today a patient “called” me to her room to show me her baby. It was hard to get to her bed since there are 10 beds in her room. She is 39 years old, mute and deaf and this is her first baby. I told her a week ago that she was going to have a baby boy and she was astounded that I was right.  (Ultrasound makes wonders around here). Her baby was only 2400 gm., but is doing well. The twin brother had died in her uterus weeks prior. Her baby had no diapers, no baby clothes. He was only wrapped in a “ capulana” the material the women use here for skirts. She was luck she had a good doctor taking care of her. He is a Mozambican doctor who cares about his patients. A lot of them do. But it is so hard to practice Medicine when you do not have labs and studies to help the diagnosis. You do not have the meds or the nurses to take care of your patients. You see then die all the time.   Here the babies stay with their mothers, not in little cribs but in the same bed. Last weeks 3 babies died. Were they suffocated by their mother’s tired body? Who knows? Again I ask myself where is God?  

I came here to Africa to help, but I am so overwhelmed with all that I have seen that I want to escape.  I never imagine so much poverty would exist.  I was told the city is good, I should see the interior….. I currently live in the second largest city in the country and teach at the tertiary care hospital and it is a disaster. So far I do not want to go to the interior, I could not take it… Bob was there and he told me that he was shocked. You know Bob, very few things can shock him in life….

I am sorry my friends I dumped on you.  I need to find strength to not abandon this place.  I want to find God again in my life to guide me, teach me the steps to walk to Him and find peace in my heart to continue teaching the students and to pass to them the love I have for my profession and for the patients……


  1. Dr. Horth, I want you to know how proud I am of you and so is God. You have brought so much for these women. Just remember, you are bettering the care of these women. You are bringing attention to the basics of care that they need. Just remember the women's lives you have saved just by being there and caring for them. You have done something with your life most people wouldn't ever attempt. You are a wonderful doctor and a person. I know you are touching the lives of all these women, whether you know it or not. I will pray for you and for your strength to continue. I miss you Dr. Horth and wish I could be there to help you.

    Your friend,
    Amanda Glenn

    1. Amanda,

      Thank you so much. I will be stronger and will continue to help women where ever they are. Just some days after learning and seeing so much pain I think my heart cannot take anymore. Yesterday was a very sad day with a patient in need of so much love and care that physically and emotionally I just felt I could not take it. I do have to learn that I cannot change a lot of things and have to concentrate on where I can make a difference and can help. I feel much stronger today after receiving so much support from all of you
      Love and miss you too
      Flavia (FH)

  2. Dr.Horth you are an amazing woman and doctor. I'm sadden that you question where God is. He never leaves us, he is always next to us. Always remember forever rely on God (frog). I cannot image what you see each and every day. God bless you and your husband. I will pray that you fInd the strength to continue your journey on Africa you are a blessing to those women. Miss you as being my doctor. Always in my prayers Kelly Woodard.

  3. Dear Dr. Horth, God is there! In you! You are His hands and His feet in this fallen world where so many people can do so much... But do nothing for His Glory. I do not see Africa, only through your eyes. And those who can help, who can make a difference, turn the other way and buy another big fancy home and another car, or take another vacation... But you Dr. Horth! You have done something!!! YOU ARE THERE! You are doing what is right and what is good! You are honoring God and showing his love! Do not grow weary! You are making a difference in this world! You are doing more than most are. He gave you your gifts for this reason, He knew you would be the one to go. You are His beloved- and He takes great pride in you. ( I am sure He gathers the angels together and says "Hey look at my Flavia!")You are doing good, please do not grow weary 2 Thessalonians 3:13. Look to the Lord- he will give you strength for each day Isiah 40:31. I will continue to pray for you and your husband each night. Dont give up. You are doing what is right and what is good. Please post an address or a bank where I may deposit something to help with sheets or other supplies, I would like to do what I can to help. God bless you woman of strenth and courage. Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all! Prov 31:29 Much love to you from Chris and I both.

  4. Dear Flávia. I am very proud to be you as a sister. This is the planet on which we live. I had seen a statement from a medical Jundiai, which also went to Africa. She reported the same sadness and pain. If you look for answers, thinking about this single existence, YOU WILL NOT FIND THEM. You just find a better explanation, if you think in terms of reincarnation.
    Feelings affection for you and Bob. With love from your brother.

  5. Dr. Horth, I've been praying for you to see God's hand in the lives of those you are caring for. I am praying for you to feel encouraged. I don't know if it would help or not but there is another American missionary birthworker in Mozambique, a midwife. Her blog is I would love to "talk" to you, if you get a moment, feel free to email me at

  6. Dr. Horth,
    I thought of you today out of the blue. I remembered The Womens clinic telling me about your blog. I am so glad I visited it today and read this. A good reminder of how blessed we are here even when things are hard. I love that you are doing so much good out there. They are in AMAZING hands. :) The selfish part of me wishes you could be my Dr. again, but those women need you more. Thank you for sharing your story. Thinking of you here in Wichita falls and sending prayers!
    Shari Armstrong

  7. Praying for Gods Awesome guidance in your life. Miss you and praying for you.

    2 Corinthians 4:16-18

    Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

  8. Let me begin by saying thank you. Thank you for taking your skills, talents, and knowledge into such a hard and tragic part of our world. It's so easy for us to sit comfortably in our country, never having any idea what others face daily on the other side of the earth. I can't imagine how difficult your job and position must be.
    You have mentioned several times that the tragedy you see daily has made you question God. I wanted to share a few scriptures with you that I hope bring you a bit of comfort.
    For you: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Even though you can't feel HIm or see Him, He is there.
    In Luke 6:20-23: "God blesses you who are poor, for the Kingdom of God is yours. God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied. God blesses you who weep now, for in due time you will laugh... For a great reward awaits you in Heaven." This earth is full of strife, hardships, and horrible tragedies. But this earth isn't it!! Heaven awaits us all!
    Romans 5:12: "When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death; so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned."
    Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."
    That is the hope you must cling to! That is the hope you must spread!! Jesus Christ saved us all from this terrible, heart-wrenching life!
    I'm praying that these verses bring you peace, strength, and hope. God bless you and your work.

  9. Dear Flavia,
    I ran into one of your colleagues yesterday and she told me about this blog as a way to contact you. I have thought of you often and you are missed. It is great to read of your experiences and I too have often questioned God when so much suffering and injustices go on in this world. I always come back to the realization that we have free will and it is what we do with this that truly matters. You are sharing your knowledge, experience and love with people and though it may not change the entire situation you certainly have touched the lives of many people in a very positive way. You are a hero and God is working through are an instrument for his will... St. Francis Prayer of Assisi comes to mind. May you find peace in knowing you have taken a stance and acted upon it in the best way you can. Blessings to you and your family.
    Love, Joan

  10. Dr. Horth,
    By the time you receive this message, we hope you are feeling more at peace. You ask, 'where is God' in all of the poverty and sadness you see in Africa. You ask 'where is God' amongst all the anguish and pain you are experiencing. God is with you, Dr. Horth. You are his chosen one. I believe he specifically brought you to this earth, so that one day, your life would culminate to this point. He gave you your talents, your strength, and passion for women's health issues, so that you could go help the people closest to him.
    Matthew 5:3-10.
    When you ask, 'Where is God', I believe He is with you there every day, holding your hand as you walk through the pitiful hospital rooms, through the hallways. He is in the eyes of every laboring, woman suffering woman, your students, the nurses and staff. Feel his presence as He walks with you down the streets, and down the halls. He holds your hand steady, and overlooks your shoulder during surgery. When you go home at night and weep, he is kneeling beside you and holding you. He has never left your side. He is always there. And at the times that you feel that you just can't make it, and want to run, is when he is most with you because he lifts you in his arm and carries you until you can get back on your feet.
    Dr. Horth, you are experiencing the most wonderful and amazing birth yet. Your own! Without pain, there is no growth. God has guided you to this place of pain, suffering, so that you could see his amazing love. You can imagine it as if you are being taken from the 'birth canal' of this superficial, hateful world, into the light of His world. You are walking into his light, where you will finally understand His word, His love, His life. He is asking you to carry your cross and walk with him. But remember, this 'hurts', as we are asked to leave everything we know behind and walk with Him. It's painful- but it has to happen. You are experiencing the best birth ever- and it is going to allow you to finally be free and find the faith that you were missing. After your 'rebirth' you will be strengthened, and finally understand why all of this had to happen. God has his plan for you, you are there. And yet, I believe this is only the beginning. Listen with your heart, is the best advice I was ever given. If you do this, He will speak to you at the most unexpected time; then you will understand. Open your heart, listen with it- you will find His guidance.
    We are so very proud of you and pray for you during your 'rebirth'. May Christ’s peace overcome you and you be given even more strength. We admire your strength and your sacrifices as you left this ‘comfortable’ place to help those that need you. We will be forever grateful to you for helping bring our beautiful daughter to us. I thank you for your patience with me always as a difficult patient. (I bet you don’t miss the crazy patients huh?).
    I hope that someday I can follow your footsteps and I too be able to help those that really need it and find my ‘mission’.
    Jeremiah 29:11, 11 For I know the plans that I [a]have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.
    God bless you. G,B,G Huerta
